Use an Arduino as a remote control
The goal is to build a custom remote which can control my devices. The hardware is a 3V3 Arduino Pro Mini and a Lithiumbatteri. This is charged with a small charger. The software is based on Ken Shirriff:s IR library. Code for the Creative DDTS-100 The first thing I do is to adjut the library for my DDTSS-100. Step 1 - Install Irremote library from Step 2 Research. According to Google the DDTS uses NEC-type code. Lirc-project has info about the codes ( Step 3 Adjust the file IrremoteInt.h in Irremote according to the values found in the Lirc-file. Add this section: #define CREATIVE_HDR_MARK 8973 #define CREATIVE_HDR_SPACE 4760 #define CREATIVE_BIT_MARK 591 #define CREATIVE_ONE_SPACE 1675 #define CREATIVE_ZERO_SPACE 567 #define CREATIVE_RPT_SPACE 2308 In IRremote.cpp we add this: void IRsend::sendCreative(unsigned long data, int nbits) { enableIROut(38); mark(CREATIVE_HDR_MARK); space(CREATIVE_HDR_SPACE); for (int i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (data & TOPBIT) { mark(CREATIVE_BIT_MARK); space(CREATIVE_ONE_SPACE); } else { mark(CREATIVE_BIT_MARK); space(CREATIVE_ZERO_SPACE); } data <<= 1; } mark(CREATIVE_BIT_MARK); space(0); } In IRemote.h: void sendCreative(unsigned long data, int nbits); Step 4 Find the pre_data bytes in the Lirc-file. In this case it's 0x8322 (Lirc: pre_data 0x8322). Step 5 Construct a send-command in the Arduino software. The first argument is the pre_data bytes with the command byte added. For example, in the Lirc-file we find this line: power 0xE11E The first argument for sending a power on/off code is therefore 0x8322E11E. The NEC-codes shall be 32 bytes, which is given as the second argument. The complete command: irsend.sendCreative(0x8322E11E, 32); Step 6 Say thanks to Ken Shirriff for the library and the info! DVB-box My DVB-box was harder to get to. The name is Dilog DT-355, which seems to be a Handan clone. There's more clones of this box, but didn't find a Lirc-file for those either. guess I have to investigate the recording feature of Irremote. But then the box got replaced... Experimenting with a Sagem DVB Used an IR-receiver attached to the Arduino (output to pin 11) and run Irecvdump (from the IRremote package). Got the following results by pressing the buttons on the remote, one by one: Protocol: NEC Arrow up: E17AD629 Arrow down: E17A36C9 Arrow left: E17ADA25 Arrow right: E17A3AC5 'x': E17A50AF EPG: E17AA45B 1: E17A28D7 2: E17A40BF 3: E17AC03F 4: E17A20DF 5: E17AA05F 6: E17A609F 7: E17AE01F 8: E17A10EF 9: E17A906F 0: E17A00FF Tone: E17A847B Menu: E17A8877 Revert channel: E17A28D7 OK: E17AA857 V+: E17A3CC3 V-: E17ADC23 P+: E17AD42B P-: E17A34CB info: E17A7887 Text: E17AB847 Pan/Scan: E17A9C63 Soundtrack/text: E17AF807 Red: E17A6897 Green: E17AE817 Yellow: E17A18E7 Arrows: E17A04FB Mute: E17AF00F Source: E17A24DB Power: E17A48B7 Irecvdump told me that it is NEC-codes, and the code for every single button. It's then easy to send codes from the Arduino to the box: irsend.sendNEC(0xE17ADC23, 32); --------------------------------------------- Panasonic TV Next up is the good old Panasonic 36" CRT TV. Here I used code from this site, but I think it's added in news versions of the original library. This makes it easy, just use the Panasonic-routine. For codes I looked at the original remote:s back for the model number. I then used codes from Lirc (here, not an exact match on the model but it worked. To raise the volume: irsend.sendPanasonic(0x40040100, 0x04050000, 48); Ref for adding new code: