PHP-CLI code to show messages on an LCD with LCDProc.
Neither this code or my home-made USB-LCD works well with LCDProc, the results are unpredictive. It is possible to use the display without LCDProc, more about that soon.
} else {
//The connection was opened
//Say hello to LCDd
fputs($fp, "hello");
//Get response
$output = fgets($fp, 128);
echo "hello - ".$output;
//Add a screen called 'songInfoS' (name used for future reference).
fputs($fp, "screen_add songInfoS");
//Get response
$output = fgets($fp, 128);
echo "screen_add - ".$output;
//Add a text widget called 'songInfoW' (name used for future reference).
fputs($fp, "widget_add songInfoS songInfoW string");
//Get response
$output = fgets($fp, 128);
echo "widget_add - ".$output;
//Show a message on the LCD.
fputs($fp, "widget_set songInfoS songInfoW 1 1 'Hej Patrik!'");
//Get response
$output = fgets($fp, 128);
echo "widget_set - ".$output;
//Close connection